Thursday, April 11, 2013

New Look, Same Wry Thoughts

Wry Thoughts has a new do, thanks to my web wizard!  She has put the blog in syndication, which means you can now keep up with my blog using your favorite RSS feed reader.  By clicking the link on the top right you may choose to follow my new posts and comments so that your reader is updated every time there's activity here at the Wry Thoughts About Religion blog site.
Need more information about feeds/readers and RSS ("Really Simple Syndication") and what it can do for you?  Learn more by following this link to feed burner.
You can also choose to subscribe by email.  And sharing with your favorite social networking sites is easy.

Your comments are published immediately at this new location, which I think is great.  Another feature that I am especially happy with is the ability to translate the blog into numerous languages.  I hope you'll try it out.
Be sure and check out the various links here too - especially the link to my new and improved Home Page at  Let me know what you think about the new format by clicking on the poll on the right or adding your comment below.

If you're a current subscriber, you'll be automatically added to my new blog list.  You'll receive an email asking to confirm your subscription.  Just click on the link!

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Charles W. Hedrick
Professor Emeritus
Missouri State University

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